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Tidaklah termasuk golongan kami, orang yang memukul-mukul pipinya dan mencabik-cabik bajunya ketika (tertimpa musibah), serta berseru dengan seruan jahiliyah.
Tentang Saya
Nama Muhammad Sholeh S.sos
Gender Pria
Industri Pengangguran
Jabatan Senior Javascript Developer
Lokasi Purworejo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Perkenalan Diri Hey! I'm XIDN, a passionate web developer skilled in JavaScript, Node.js, Cloudflare Workers, KV stores, and Next.js. With a focus on dynamic web applications, I excel in JavaScript and Node.js, ensuring robust websites. As a front-end expert, I design captivating interfaces using CSS, HTML, and custom Blogger templates. Java and TypeScript expand my toolkit for diverse projects. I automate tasks and enhance Google products with Apps Script. Let's create something amazing together!
Minat Coding, Reading books, Listening music, Travelling, Cooking
Musik Favorit Pal Pale Pale Pale
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