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Watch Now film The Shawshank Redemption 1994 by Stephen King

Title The Shawshank Redemption
Author Stephen King
Publisher -
Ratings 9.3/10 ⭐
Genre Friendship, Justice, Redemption
Language English

Hello everyone, I trust you’re all in good health. Today, Muktijoyo.com brings you an introduction to a much-loved film, The Shawshank Redemption has captured the hearts of many film lovers and promises an enjoyable watching experience. If you’re on the hunt for fresh watching material but unsure where to start, this could be an excellent pick. Muktijoyo offers the convenience of watching films online for free, accessible via your Android device or any browser that supports both free and paid film watching services. If you’re interested in diving into this film, it’s readily available on our website.


The main characters of The Shawshank Redemption is a film adaptation of a short story by Stephen King. It follows the life of Andy Dufresne (played by Tim Robbins), a banker who is falsely accused of killing his wife and her lover. He is sentenced to life in Shawshank prison. Inside the prison, he becomes friends with Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman), another inmate who helps him navigate the harsh realities of prison life. Other key characters include Warden Norton (Bob Gunton), a corrupt prison official who takes advantage of Andy’s financial expertise; Captain Hadley (Clancy Brown), a cruel guard who mistreats the prisoners; Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore), an older inmate who has spent most of his life in Shawshank and finds it difficult to adjust to life outside; and Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows), a young convict who uncovers vital information that could prove Andy’s innocence.

Synopsis and Summary

The Shawshank Redemption covers two decades, from 1947 to 1967, and traces Andy’s transformation from a despondent newcomer to a resilient and resourceful inmate who earns the respect of his fellow prisoners and the prison staff. He faces numerous challenges and obstacles, such as being attacked by a group of bullies, being put in solitary confinement for playing music over the loudspeaker, and being threatened by the warden when he tries to expose his corruption. Despite these challenges, he manages to improve the prison conditions by expanding the library, educating other inmates, and doing tax returns for the guards. He never loses hope of escaping and finding freedom, and he eventually succeeds by digging a tunnel behind a poster of Rita Hayworth and crawling through a sewage pipe. He also manages to expose the warden’s crimes and take some of his money with him. He reunites with Red, who is paroled after 40 years, in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, where they embrace on a beach.

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Critical reception

The Shawshank Redemption - was highly praised upon its release, particularly for its story, the performances of Robbins and Freeman, the score by Thomas Newman, the direction and screenplay by Frank Darabont, and the cinematography by Roger Deakins. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Freeman), Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Cinematography, but did not win any. It was also praised by Stephen King, who said it was one of the best adaptations of his work. However, the film did not perform well at the box office, earning only $16 million during its initial theatrical run. This was attributed to various factors, such as competition from other films, the unpopularity of prison films, the lack of female characters, and the confusing title. It gained popularity and success through word of mouth, video rentals, and cable television, and is now widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. It is ranked as the number one film on IMDb’s Top 250 list, and has been selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.

Additional details

The Shawshank Redemption has many hidden details and references that may not be noticed by casual viewers. For example, the character of Red was originally an Irishman in the novella, but was changed to an African-American for the film, and Morgan Freeman jokingly says that his nickname is “maybe because I’m Irish” when Andy asks him. Another example is that Frank Darabont, the director, used his own hands for some close-up shots of Andy, such as when he loads a revolver or carves his name on the wall. A third example is that the film rights to the novella were sold by Stephen King to Darabont for only one dollar, as part of King’s policy of allowing aspiring filmmakers to adapt his short stories for a nominal fee.


The Shawshank Redemption is a film that explores themes such as hope, freedom, friendship, justice, corruption, and redemption.

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Best Quotes

Here are some of the best quotes from film The Shawshank Redemption and why I think they are memorable or meaningful:

“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” - Andy Dufresne. This quote is the essence of the film’s message, as it shows how Andy never gives up hope of escaping from prison and finding a better life. It also inspires Red to follow his example and pursue his own freedom. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” - Andy Dufresne. This quote is a simple but powerful choice that Andy makes, and that he challenges Red to make as well. It reflects the contrast between institutionalization and freedom, and how one can either accept their fate or fight for their dreams. “Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.” - Red. This quote is a metaphor for Andy’s character, as he is a rare and exceptional person who does not belong in prison. He is also a symbol of hope and beauty for the other inmates, who admire his courage and intelligence. “I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Either get busy living or get busy dying.” - Red. This quote is a repetition of Andy’s words, but this time spoken by Red. It shows how Red has changed his perspective and decided to follow Andy’s advice. It also marks the climax of the film, as Red chooses to live and reunite with Andy in Mexico. “I find I’m so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.” - Red. This quote is the final narration of the film, as Red expresses his joy and anticipation of seeing Andy again. It also contrasts with his earlier narration, where he was cynical and resigned to his life in prison. It shows how he has regained his hope and freedom, and how he is ready for a new adventure.


The Shawshank Redemption ends on a satisfying and uplifting note, as Andy and Red finally meet on a beach in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. They hug each other and smile, as they have both achieved their escape from Shawshank and their redemption from their past. The film ends with a shot of the ocean, symbolizing the vastness and possibility of their future.

the film is a masterpiece of storytelling, with a compelling plot, memorable characters, and profound themes. It is also a film that inspires and moves me, as it shows how hope can overcome despair, how friendship can endure hardship, and how freedom can be attained even in the most oppressive circumstances. I think it is one of the best films of all time, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has not seen it yet.

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